Create a repeating event on last day of each month on Google Calendar

There is no easy way to make an event repeating on last day of each month with Google Calendar. So here is a simple trick to pass through this and get an event repeating on the last day of each month.

Open a simple text editor with a new file (with Notepad for example, it’s efficient!) and write this in:

SUMMARY:Title of the event
DESCRIPTION:Description of the event

You will need to change these parameters:

  • DTSTART/DTEND: The date (start/end) of the first event
  • SUMMARY: The name of the event
  • DESCRIPTION: The description of the event
  • BYDAY: You can choose whether the last business day or not by letting/dropping the SU and SA entries (for Sunday and Saturday

Save the file as “calendar.ics” and close it.

Right now, to include this recurring event:

  1. Go on your Google Calendar page
  2. On the left panel, click on the arrow near  “Other Calendars” and click on “Import calendar
  3. You will be asked for a file, choose the one you’ve just created (calendar.ics)
  4. Choose also the calendar you want to use to add the entries (you can create a new calendar or use an existing one)
  5. Click on “Import

Your event will now appear on the last day of each month (28, 29, 30 or 31st) depending on the month!