Category: MacOS

  • Display log file with timestamp in human-readable format

    By default, some logs (like squid logs) will be recorded with unix timestamp, stored as <unixtimestamp>.<centisecond> which are hard to read for analysis. You would have for example this kind of logs: In order to display them in human readable format, you can just use that simple command: You will then have such result:

  • MacOS – “No mountable file systems” issue when mounting ISO file

    If you try to mount an ISO file (like a Linux distribution) on MacOS and you get that weird error saying “No mountable file systems“: Then, you can easily find a workaround by using CLI. And now, the content of your iso file is available in /mnt/iso directory. To unmount the ISO file, just type:

  • MacOS – Prevent the automatic creation of a .DS_Store file on network drives

    Mac OS X is automatically creating .DS_Store file as soon as you’re working on some network drives. This is used to store some custom attributes. If you want to prevent the OS to create those files automatically, follow the steps below: Once this is executed, the DS_Store files will only be created on local drives.

  • iTerm – Automatic mutliple panes with AppleScript

    It’s often very useful to automate opening of multi panes with iTerm to execute many commands or getting access to many servers at the same time. This can be done through AppleScript. You can copy this script and save it as multi-panes.scpt #! /usr/bin/osascript — List actions to perform set actions to {¬ {action:”echo ‘I am…